Results of the Online Vote / Project proposals for 2026
The first voting round for the projects 2026 is closed. The nGbK is delighted with the high level of participation! A total of 145 members took part in the voting.
35 projects for format A, 3 projects for format C and 2 projects for format N were put to the vote.
The voting resulted in the following shortlist with 8 projects from format A, 2 projects from format C and 2 projects for format N, which we present to you here in alphabetical order without ranking:
Format A: „A Matter of Life and Death“, „Ansichtssache/The Way I See It“, „Colonial Endurance: Detecting the Algorithm of Violence in Infrastructure“, „Palästina zwischen Augen“, „SCHWUL:LESBISCHE KUNST IN DER DDR? - Queere Biografien von Künstler:innen zwischen Underground und Propaganda“, „Song birds in the dark - Tales of extraction and hope across mine landscapes“, „STATE OF DISAPOINTMENT“, „The desire for being many“
Format C: „ATLAS OF MIGRATORY FEELINGS“, „COMMUNIcare - Mediterranean“
Format N: „Flurstück 173“, „Speakers Sculpture“
The nGbK would like to take this opportunity to thank all other projects that were not shortlisted for their submission.
The shortlisted projects are still available online for members until Thursday, January 30, 2025, at 10 a.m. Only the shortlisted projects will be discussed and voted on at the 167th Annual General Meeting on Saturday, March 15, 2025.