nGbK am Alex


Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 11/13
1st floor (access via escalator)
10178 Berlin

Open on Google Maps
Video "How to Find Us": Instagram | Vimeo

Entrance fee:

Admission is free of charge.

Opening hours exhibition:

Tue–Sun 12:00–18:00
Fri 12:00–20:00

Supervisory team nGbK am Alex
Phone: +49 30 616 513-19

Opening hours office:

The office hours are Mon-Thu 10:00-16:00. On Fridays, the office can be reached by telephone only, from 9:00-15:00.


Barrier-free access via elevator (Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 11, at TEDi) // Please note: The elevator is currently out of service. If in need of assistance, call us at +49 30 616 513-19.

Locations and façade work:

Here you can find more detailed information about the nGbK locations. This link will take you to more information about the two-part façade project by Folke Köbberling in collaboration with Alexa Kreissl.

Route scetch nGbK am Alex