Open Questions and Wishlist

collected during the Symposium Curating through Conflict with Care 2023 in Berlin.

  • Do artists have agency? Can they give or share agency?

  • What would a freelance artist agency look like?

  • What structures do we need to build to take meaningful risks in the Art World? 

  • What is the relationship between the vision for what we want and the time we have to do it? 

  • How can we organize our time: suspend time, occupy time when thinking about strike and unionization?

  • Why have no unions recruited us?

  • Where are the spaces that we need to speak freely?

  • What is mentorship?

  • Does less work mean more sustainability (for our own mental health, for planetary systemic health)?

  • How do we deal with the temporality of projects? 

  • How do we deal with the waste of art-world temporality (the material waste of temporary exhibitions and art handling: the paint, plaster, chemicals)?

  • How to take care of the continuity of any “social event”?

  • Where are the artist’s lawyers?

  • What are the limits of trigger warnings? 

  • What do we expect of the curator’s offer/invitation?

  • What is “equity” in the art world?

  • How do we stop the cannibalizing of “equity” and “transparency” language that is meant to take away our negotiation power and to foreclose discussion?  

  • What are the negotiable conditions of a contract? What is not?

  • How do we build a stronger “worker” identity? 

  • How do we protect our energy for our artwork?

  • What kind of work can we delegate to support systems?

  • What are the questions we have to ask ourselves for honest check-ins to avoid burn-out, loss of integrity, shame? 


  • Paid mentorship programs 

  • Artists’ agencies / agents 

  • Artists’ unions 

  • Guidelines that public money be bound to fulfill union working conditions, 

  • Institutional working conditions and employment should be regularly audited, evaluated by unions 

  • Budgets for wellness and therapy when working with traumatic topics 

  • A map of art grants, residencies, fellowship-resources to break from pay-check to pay-check survival mode

  • A taxes workshop for artists

  • Childcare for working artists


Sharing is Caring: how to create systems of mutual support

Symposium and Contributions

CONTRACTS: what you can negotiate

CCC Video and Script 2022

A Recipe for Land Acknowledgements. 

How to organize and demand of institutions

Do we have to like each other to care for one another? (CCC)

Curating Conflict without Carewashing? (CCC)

Manufacturing Consent in Germany

Institutionalization of conflict

Funding Resources

Tools and Resources: How to Organize