Yankee Go Home. Karikaturen von Rainer Hachfeld

Year: 1972 Type: Print publication Languages: German Cooperation: informdienst gmbh Westberlin

Yankee Go Home. Caricatures by Rainer Hachfeld
In September 1972, the nGbK showed political caricatures and posters by Rainer Hachfeld. The accompanying booklet presents a selection of satirical drawings made during the artist’s trip to South America for an exhibition in Caracas the year before. Hachfeld (born 1939 in Ludwigshafen) studied animated film and stage design in Berlin in the late 1950s before devoting himself to political cabaret. He worked as a caricaturist for various newspapers and magazines, hoping that his over-clarification of political issues would help to educate broad sections of the population. In the booklet, as well as skewering politicians like Nixon, he deals with still-current issues including white supremacy and the links between armament and the economy. Hachfeld plays with American clichés, campaigns for antiracism, and criticizes the military and capitalism.
