
Municipal Kitchens

Sat, 29.6. – Sun, 18.8.24 Type: Exhibition, Workshops Location: nGbK am Alex

Eylem Sengezer

“When I’ve worked for hierarchical cultural institutions that leave little or no scope for participation in decision-making, the nGbK was always a welcome alternative. Which doesn’t mean I have no criticisms of the nGbK.”

18.1.22 Type: Interview

Pants Wear Skirts

The Erfurt Women Artists' Group 1984-1994

Type: Print publication

finger. „evolutionäre zellen“


the book

Type: Print publication

Part of the Game

Angewandte Spieltheorie im urbanen Freiraum

Type: Card-game

vermittlung vermitteln

Fragen, Forderungen und Versuchsanordnungen von Kunstvermittler*innen im 21. Jahrhundert

Type: Print publication


The Peoplemover 1968 2013

Type: Print publication