On fleeting existence and uncertain happiness: The book

Finissage and catalog presentation

Sat, 15.2.25, 5.00 pm Type: Finissage, Presentation Languages: German Location: station urbaner kulturen/nGbK Hellersdorf Address: Auerbacher Ring 41, 12619 Berlin (Entrance: Kastanienboulevard, next to Lebenshilfe e.V.) Admission: free Organizer: neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst

Finissage and presentation of the exhibition catalog with the editors Annett Jahn and Ulrike Mönnig and the publisher Michael Kraus (Weimar)

On fleeting existence and uncertain happiness is a photo and reading book about the late GDR and the first post-reunification years with established protagonists of photographic art as well as now almost forgotten photographers, most of whom lived and grew up in the GDR.

Which perspectives do we choose in order to form a picture of a society whose inner constitution still leaves many questions unanswered today? The publication, which has just been published by Weimar-based M Books Verlag, also shows photographic perspectives on the GDR by foreign photographers. The photographic positions in the book move between documentary practices and artistic as well as staged visual worlds, include the media border crosser photographic film and question the relationship between film and photography.


On fleeting existence and uncertain happiness. The late GDR era in photography

14.09.24 – 16.11.24 and 23.11.24 – 15.2.25 Type: Exhibition (in two parts) Location: station urbaner kulturen/nGbK Hellersdorf

On fleeting existence and uncertain happiness

The late GDR era in photography

Type: Print publication